It's Chandni 's first time at KFC and she is positively happy about it. As she steps in, she loses some of the inferiority she felt before, when she used to believe that she can never enter a KFC. But today, she feels included and equal to all in the society. A long life, suppressed in poverty and feelings of inferiority can lead children to the concept of "Never dream for better skies". Life in poverty can be depressing and it is almost true.
Ashman foundation is a charitable trust working wholeheartedly towards empowering slum children and women from the society so that they can live with pride and respect. Chandni 's story is not just a single case, but a lot of children out there in the society face such inferiority complexes and are unable to dream for a better life. Ashman foundation reaches out to such sufferers and treats them the way they want to be treated and helps them to dream bigger and achieve bigger. A country like India requires hundreds of Ashman foundations to help the children and women to stand firmly on their feet and conquer their fear with strength and confidence.
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