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Showing posts with the label COVID

Hope amidst the Dual Crisis

Pursuit of Happiness What is it that gives you joy? For some its power, while others say its pride. For some, it’s money while for some, its wisdom. But for the people of Basanti slum, S urvival made them happy. The Dual Disaster Basanti slum, Kolkata , the city of joy had been home to approximately 6625 according to 2011 census but this was in 2019 and people around the globe were struggling with Covid-19. But for the people of the slum, another disaster was in line. It was when Amphan hit. This dual disaster shook West Bengal and Orissa to its core but the severely affected were the slums. The Fateful Survival “Wind blowing at a speed of 115km/h blew off the houses made of vinyl sheets, scarp, tarpaulin and cardboards leaving just the skeletal roof. The cyclone left the narrow streets clogged with filth, fallen trees and broken electric wires. Amidst the howling winds and incessant rainfalls, those who survived considered themselves to be lucky. Hunger and fear started t...

The Other India we hardly know about !

  What is the first thing that comes to our mind when we think about slums? Do we know what deplorable health and environmental conditions exist in slums? Every now and then we come across news that reports eviction of slum dwellers due to encroachment? Their houses are demolished and asked to leave. Do we ever wonder where would they go after getting evicted? They just get settled in another government or private land only to get evicted again just when they think that they have a home now. The cycle just keeps occurring again and again. Why aren't we able to solve this problem and help them to give a sense of belonging? Slums are the other India that we should focus on. Ok, let's understand the cycle first before thinking about a plausible solution. Due to rapid urbanization more and more people come to cities with a dream to improve their lives. They get settled on lands that are open and unclaimed what we call slums. These slums have people who work as daily wagers, dr...

Mission Dharavi 2020 : An Example for the whole world

   Mission Dharavi : An Example for the whole world A slum made miracle! There is no better phrase to describe. A collective effort from the NGOs, medical team, paramedical team, engineering team, private practitioners and the people of Dharavi pulled the rabbit out of the hat.Covid19 curve flattened in a matter of weeks where it was expected to spread like wildfire. Dharavi is undoubtedly one of the biggest slums Asia has seen so far. Extending her hands she stretches up to 2.5sqkm of area which is a home for more than 9 Lakh Indians. Without proper hygiene, toilet facilities, 10x10 hutments, high population and unclean environment unlike any other this place will give scare to an average Indian. Adding to this most of the people from Dharavi are working in essential services like hospital nurses, ward boys, food delivery workers. With these conditions present in Dharavi, Social distancing and home quarantine becomes unimaginable.  Regardless this limitations Dharavi bol...